Clip, Threshold and Slice

Some quick notes about the commonly used vis filter, such as clip, threshold and slice.

This type of filter belongs to the type of filtering data, this is good outline


The threshold is to provide the range for the content of the data, and filter out the data contents that located in this range. It only cares about the content or the value of the input field data.

Iso volume

In order to use the threshold, the volume visualization reuslts based on iso volume can be an good replacement from the perspective of visualization.


Clip is a little bit like threshold, but the principle to trim the data is to look at the coordinates or spatial position of the data. In this Clip introduction about the paraview, when we filter out the data, we mainly consider the positions of the cell instead of the contents of the field data. In this case, the function used to describe if the cell should be kept or not are versatile. The function used for clip can be the plane, the sphare or box etc.

