Go through this list before the interview, in order to get good performance, just go through each list one by one and make sure all tips are reviewed and well memorized.
SciVis R&D Scope
Try to list some techniques that I need to improve or continue pursue in the scope of scivis.
Algorithm(11) Binary search
The questions related to binary search.
Common mathmetical operations and python examples
Some tips about mathmetical operations and how are they implemented in python library such as numpy.
parallel primitives
Discsuss some commonly used primitives for parallel computing.
all aspects of lamda expression
Some tips about the cpp lambda expression.
Clip, Threshold and Slice
Some quick notes about the commonly used vis filter, such as clip, threshold and slice.
Algorithm(10) Simulation
Several questions about the simulation, the typical one is to follow specific rules to go through each element of the matrix.