This blog takes all kinds of compiling issues for the c/cpp program.
Several cmake tips
There are some basic useage about the cmake on the youtube videos here.
Here are some other tips regarding the cmake. Which are important but not obvious in all kinds of tutorials.
Multiple aspects of Cpp static and const
Some notes about the static keyword. Its basic semantics, and concepts regarding declaration, defiantion and initilization. And also how the header only library use the static keyword.
CMake depedency
Some tips about cmake depedency.
Some nots about virtual box configuration for linux test env.
Software design and code review experiences
Some high level nots about software design and optimization. These contents can be the distinguish beween the junior software enginner and the senior soft ware engineer.
Some notes about oct tree. This is the online video
Cuda programming (1)
Key concepts and optimization strategies about the cuda based gpu programming.
Algorithm(9) Search (BFS, DFS)
Find particular properties based on the abstracted decision tree or abstracted graph.